‘Twas the Hour Before Dinner

‘Twas the hour before dinner, when all through the house

The smells and aromas were kicking my arse;

The napkins were folded on the table with care,

In hopes that the plates soon would be there;


It started this morning, when I rose out of bed,

And the visions of food danced through my head

I awoke from a haze, to a light shoulder tap,

And I thought to stay abstinent today, I’ll for sure need a nap,


When out in the kitchen there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the couch to see what was the matter.

Away to the stove, I flew like a flash,

And saw my whole family just “adding a dash”.


Of whatever they could find to the dishes below,

As I felt that a craving might have started to grow,

When what to my wondering ears did I hear,

But a sound that instantly gave me some cheer,


With a spirit so gleeful, I recognized it so quick,

It was none other than my OA fellow named Rick.

More rapid than ever, my sanity came,

And we talked of the steps, each one by their name:


“Now, Step 1! now, Step 2! now Steps 3 and 4!

On, 5 on, 6 on, 7 and more!

To the bottom of my heart, I needed that call!

I remember I can’t, but HP can do it all!”


Then dinner just seemed to go by in a wink

And before I knew it, the plates were all in the sink

But I smiled at the best part, as I turned out the light—

It was an abstinent day and now comes a good night!”


Adapted by Victoria W.