Who Should Come to this Retreat?


If YOU can’t stop slipping and sliding in OA, find your footing here.

If YOU want to add more tools to your toolkit to help prevent relapse, then come to this workshop.

If YOU are tired of “a brief recovery followed by a still worse relapse” then this workshop is for you!

If YOU are “sick and tired of being sick and tired, then come to this workshop.

If YOU have been in OA for years and have not been able to stick and stay and are getting tired of just coming back, then come to the workshop and get to the bottom of the reason behind the relapse.

If YOU want to learn how to choose your Higher Power every day and stop choosing YOUR addiction, then come to the Retreat!

If YOU keep wishing you could start fresh or go back to the time when your Program actually worked, then come to this workshop.

IF YOUR sponsees are struggling with RELAPSE and you just are not sure how you can help them, then come to this workshop.

IF YOU are still “white knuckling your abstinence”, come learn how to lighten the grip!

IF YOU are ready for a CHANGE!

Register TODAY!

Invite your fellows and bring your Sponsees!