A Message from HMI Chair – Sue H.

It continues to be an honor and privilege to be a member of Houston OA, just finishing up my first year serving as HMI Chair.  Wow my friends, it has been exciting year of ideas, and plans of action to follow them up.

Many of you participated in the HMI Survey (greatly appreciated).  Others have stepped up to volunteer for additional service like Intergroup Rep, committee chairs, helping on committees, creating flyers, or working on the latest local convention.

The HMI workshop committee is planning workshops for 2020 and HMI is sponsoring a monthly game night at the Oasis Club.Our website, oahouston.org, has had a facelift which now provides meeting location mapping and current happenings on the home page.  And how could I forget?  The launching of our very own HMI newsletter.  So I encourage you to start using oahouston.org for all the latest and greatest.

The message is clear – this is a WE program and ALL of us are needed to carry the OA message in Houston Metro.

Did you know everyone that attends OA meetings is automatically a member of Intergroup? There are no special requirements to attend IG meetings. Everyone is invited to attend the monthly meetings (3rd Saturday of each month at the Oasis Club at 9:45am right after the 8:30am Oasis meeting).  Attendance is available either in person or via conference call.

If you have a talent to share, ideas and action plans, anything to strengthen the OA message of recovery to Houston Metro area, please take time to come or call in to the HMI monthly meetings.  You can always reach me at HM******@bo*****.domains

Yours in service, Sue H