Withdrawals From Sugar

Not bank withdrawals
Nothing there.
Not cocaine, crack, or even Coca-Cola
“Sweets for the sweetest…”
I’m full of useless, [freaking] quotes this morning.

Dear Sugar:
I want your protective lubricant
on me and my life
easing me past the bumps and scrapes
of people, places, and things that are irritants
to my
skin and spirit…

What else?
I want a house
and a heart
that are not broken…
a red convertible
and the hair to go with it!
I want that $5400 speaking engagement,
my hand on the mic
and words of
Truth and Inspiration
flowing from my
Divine Lips…
I want a beautiful beach house
and a bikini body…

Dear God,
Fix me.
I surrender.
I got the “I wants” real bad.
You fix it.
Make me whole.
I feel all hurtin’ again.
Not loved.
But scraped against.

Where’s the buffer
between me and the world?
I’m unraveling
like an old ugly sweater…

©4-2-2006 by Brenda K. Preuss