Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

A Season of Change

Driving to work one fall morning, watching the leaves fall from the trees, HP started to talk to me about a Season of Change. I was shown the parallel of what happens in nature to what is happening in my recovery. I saw the beautiful leaves falling from the trees, floating through the air, landing […]

New Beginnings

Recently we have found ourselves struggling with my teen daughter’s memory and ADD issues. She has trouble remembering events as recent as five days ago. Okay, okay that doesn’t sound horrid, I am in my fifties and I certainly have trouble remembering things five days ago! The thing is, five days ago she celebrated her […]

A Season of Change

Driving to work one fall morning, watching the leaves fall from the trees, HP started to talk to me about a Season of Change. I was shown the parallel of what happens in nature to what is happening in my recovery. I saw the beautiful leaves falling from the trees, floating through the air, landing […]

New Beginnings

Recently we have found ourselves struggling with my teen daughter’s memory and ADD issues. She has trouble remembering events as recent as five days ago. Okay, okay that doesn’t sound horrid, I am in my fifties and I certainly have trouble remembering things five days ago! The thing is, five days ago she celebrated her […]