Hope is always found in the rooms
One morning in my meditation, I saw a meeting room surrounded by a variety of doors, and behind each door had a different substance waiting to lure me in.
Am I lonely? Shopping is waiting.
Bored? I can munch on chips.
Angry? Chocolate will settle me down.
Sad? A drink will numb that.
The proverbial “whack a mole”
However, each of these options is nothing but a façade and a short-lived distraction to the real solution. There is no real hope in any of these things. How many years did I spend frantically going from door to door, running from emotions, looking for a distraction? Each one, a brief high, with huge guilt that followed!
My answer, my hope was found in the Rooms of Recovery!
HP clearly told me that morning, that I had lots of choices. But that only by staying in the rooms would I learn the tools and principles that I needed to live a full life, without the desperation I used to feel. That is my hope for a solid future!
Do I still have those feelings? Absolutely, The rooms did not “fix” my life. But now I have real ways of dealing with those feelings that are not going to destroy my life.
Lonely? The phone and virtual meetings will lead me to the WE in our program!
Bored? My hope is found in Service.
Angry? Steps 4-9 will help light the reason behind the anger, help me to see my part, and to clean up any harms I have done.
Am I sad? Who knew that I would survive being sad, and that crying was good for me… I didn’t! Butt I know that now, and I know that I will not only survive crying, but I will have relief after.
Whatever the “problem” there will be a solution found in one of the tools or principles that OA has taught me. So that when I am living my life outside of the room, I can keep my tools in my pocket and HOPE in my heart!
Beth M.