Late-breaking R3 Funding News !!
Notes from your Ways, Means, Finance Committee
As the result of a recent generous contribution to the R3 Speakers Fund, we now have more $$$ to help intergroups with speaker expenses for workshops and special events. These funds are available now and are in addition to what has already been budgeted.
*** Once every 2 years each Intergroup may request funding for a speaker from Region 3 to one of their local special events.
See the Policy Manual IV (I) and Policy Manual IX, and also the instructions on the application form
I. Speakers at Regional Events – In order to further the Regional goal of building strength from within the Region, speakers at Regional events should come from within the Region. No speaker shall receive funding.
Region III will fund speakers’ expenses for Intergroups requesting assistance for special events. The Vice-Chairperson is to receive the applications. No Intergroup (or area) will receive funding more than once in a two (2) calendar year period. The Vice Chair to approve funding as requests are received. An itemization of the speakers’ expenses should be returned to the Region together with any unused portion of the funding. …. Region III will help fund speakers’ expenses up to $350.00 per event.
The Application Form for this and other funding requests may be found on the Region 3 Website. Click on Welcome to Region III, then click on Documents to find the form you need. If you have any questions contact the R3 Treasurer or Vice Chair. Find links to their email by clicking on Welcome to Region III, then click on Directory.
*** STC Funds (and these are a separate budget item)
— If your Intergroup would like to someone from the Region III Steering Committee provide a Services ,Traditions, & Concepts Workshop, contact the Vice Chairperson who will work with you to arrange it, including funding.
Spring 2019 Ways, Means, Finance Committee