Oasis Club News

Happy New Year! Just as the Year is new, the Oasis Club has lots of new events planned and exciting opportunities for growth and service.

Also, have you seen the new look at Oasis? We had a major Make-Over last year! It’s even better in person, so please take a moment and stop by to see the new ambiance if you haven’t done so already.

Membership Drive

Did you know that we are one of just a few clubs in the Country strictly dedicated to Overeaters Anonymous 24×7? Club Membership helps us keep our doors open. Membership is not required to come to the club, but the dues help to keep the rent paid and lights on. We need your help to spread the message to other compulsive overeaters and to expand recovery within our own Club!!!

We currently have 56 members but are reaching for 80. Please consider joining today if you are not already a member. Dues for 6 Months are 40.00 and 1 year is 75.00. Membership allows you to have a Club key if you’d like, and you can use the facility to meet with sponsees or to do your own step work at any time.

For more information on the Oasis Club, please visit OAHouston.org.

Keep an eye out for exciting news each newsletter as we expand the workshops and meetings available at the OAsis Club