Hosanna OA Monday Meeting (Zoom Only)@ 10:30 am

Virtual Meeting (Mtg # 801274)

Rotating Literature Study, Zoom Only

Formerly Held at Hosanna Lutheran Church

Call in to: 346-248-7799

Meeting ID: 863 1665 1362

One tap mobile +13462487799, 86316651362#, 2020# 

Topic Rotation as Follows:

1st Monday: Step of the month from 12 Steps & 12 Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous 

2nd Monday: Tradition of the month from 12 Steps & 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous 

3rd Monday: AA Big Book 

4th Monday: Topic from OA literature – selection by the leader for the meeting (from Voices of Recovery, For Today, or leader’s choice)

5th Monday, if needed: Topic from OA literature or Ask-It Basket


Nancy B


Big Book and 12 & 12 Study Meeting @ 6:00 pm

Virtual OA HOW Meeting (Mtg # 89938)

Meeting ID: 816 1849 0919
Password: OAHOW


Marsha T., 713-664-4548

Monday Wisdom Meeting @ 7:00 pm

Virtual OA HMI Meeting (Mtg # 88840)

Call in to: 346-248-7799

Meeting ID: 863 1665 1362

One tap mobile +13462487799, 86316651362#, 2020#


Annette, 832-849-8146

Sugar Land Book Study Meeting @ 6:30 pm

Face to Face OA HOW Meeting (Mtg # 53286)

Christ Church Sugar Land

3300 Austin Parkway
Main church Bldg, 2nd Fl, Rm 203
Sugarland, TX 77479


Book Study – Big Book


Sarah C., 281-841-9407