Let Your Recovery Bloom – March 2021

From the Lavender Garden

Andrea M shares her story of hope and inspiration as our Grand Session Speaker
Mollie M and Stacy Alyse S explore ways of nurturing your growth in recovery
Donna C closes out our convention with a message of hope and inspiration
From the Garden Greenhouse

Janice F & Vicki W – share how Steps 1, 2 & 3 can help to prepare our foundation for long term recovery.
Terri T and Brownwyn R teach us how to dig deep in Steps 4 & 5.
Jenn O and WIlma explore the weeding of self destructive behaviors in Steps 6 & 7.
Chris S and Joe A look at the value of Steps 8 & 9, sweeping away the debris of our past.
Greg M and Jenn A look at how we can bloom and thrive in our world through Steps 10, 11, and 12.
Victoria W leads the group in a beautiful meditation of inner growth.
Elizabeth B – leads a 50 minutes Big Book Meeting of OA
Marian M explores using inventories as a way of life.
From the Wildflower Garden

Dinah S leads a soothing meditation
Jeanne M from Long Beach, CA as she talks about practicing the principle of forgiveness
Marsha explores resentments and how they hurt our recovery
Jessica L and Betsy B share recovery through the lens of Anorexia and Bulimia.
100 Pounders – Miracles Do Abound in OA
Peggy and Russ share their experience from the 100 pounders perspective
Garden Discovery – Journaling
Eva W explores journaling as a tool of discovery.
Sharon E explores the Acorn of Willingness in growing our recovery
Carroll and Judi B look at using the Tools of Recovery
Chris B – explores how Higher Power helps our Recovery Grow
Marsha explores resentments and how they hurt our recovery
Beth M explores the values of establishing a strong root base in your recovery.
Maggie H hosts a traditional HOW Meeting