Updated September 8, 2016
Registration Fees
Group Directory
Other Publications
Registration Fees/Banquet Fees
Hotel Room
Air Travel
Automobile Travel
Automobile Rental
Fiscal Year
Budget Process
Annual Audit
Expense Reimbursement
CCI Debit Card SOP
Prudent Reserve
Definition of Digital assets
Ownership of digital assets and responsibilities
The primary purpose of this organization is to aid those who have the problem of compulsive overeating through the Twelve Steps of Overeaters Anonymous and to serve and represent the OA groups which form the CCI. To assist in achieving this goal, this manual is intended to serve as a guide to those policies and procedures adopted by the CCI and to assist in their function.
The CCI recognizes the existence of many concepts of working the OA Program of Recovery and that we are united in our common purpose, not our differences. The Intergroup is accepting of the individual and group rights to affiliate with a particular concept of recovery as adopting a specific concept of recovery as an individual and group conscience matter. The Intergroup accepts each duly registered OA group within its geographic boundaries and encourages other groups in the intergroup to be similarly accepting.
The Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. Business Conference Policy Manual, A Summary of Continuing Effect Motions, 1962-2016, states on page 2:
“1982c Amended 1989. A definition of open and closed groups was adopted.
Open group is a group which is open to anyone.
Closed group is a group that is open to anyone with the desire to stop eating compulsively, or anyone who thinks they may have a problem with compulsive overeating.”
Groups registered with Central Colorado Intergroup (hereafter CCI) may be either an open group or closed group. If the CCI Group Directory indicates whether a group is an open group or a closed group, the CCI Group Directory will include the aforementioned definition of and open group and a closed group. If a CCI registered group does not contact the Newsletter Editor stating whether the group is an open group or a closed group, the group will be presumed to be an open group. The Newsletter Editor may include verbiage in the CCI Group Directory such as “any group not indicated as an open group or a closed group is presumed to be an open group.”
CCI will make newcomer packets available at their monthly meetings as an outreach service to groups that are new, struggling or in need of assistance. CCI will keep a written record of each group requesting newcomer packets and the number of packets they receive.
Any group that lacks sufficient Seventh Tradition funds to purchase newcomer packets may send their elected Intergroup Representative to a regularly scheduled meeting of CCI to pick up a small supply of newcomer packets to help carry the message.
Intergroup representatives may sign for and obtain five (5) packets at three (3) month intervals up to a maximum lifetime limit of fifteen (15) packets per group.
Any group that is able to purchase newcomer packets with their Seventh Tradition funds is considered to be self-supporting and is not eligible for this assistance.
In addition to newcomer packet assistance through CCI, documents can be downloaded from the www.OA.org as a supplemental literature resource. (See Appendix 1)
Keeping within the spirit of the Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, particularly Traditions Two (2), Four (4), Six (6), Nine (9) and Ten (10), the following are suggested guidelines for events sponsored by CCI or when a group (or groups) decides to stage a non-intergroup sponsored function when the group (or groups) desires the event to be supported by CCI. Intergroup sponsored events as well as non-intergroup sponsored events must be based on the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions or Twelve Concepts of OA, the tools of the OA program, an OA related topic or OA Conference Approved Literature.
It is suggested that the speakers/leaders/facilitators of an OA function sponsored by the CCI or an OA group (or groups) staging a non-intergroup sponsored function supported by the CCI be recovering members of either OA or a recognized Twelve Step program. It is suggested that the planning committees for these functions keep in mind and follow the wisdom of Traditions Four (4), Six (6) and Ten (10) when making their selection. It is also suggested that when the speaker shares her/his strength, hope and experience and cites specific quotations, only OA Conference Approved literature be used.
Only OA Conference approved literature may be sold at the function. A listing of OA Conference Approved literature may be obtained by contacting the OA World Service Office.
Registration Fees
The planning committee will decide if a registration fee will be charged. If a fee is to be charged for an Intergroup sponsored event, all monies collected will be given to the CCI Treasurer. Monies collected from a non-intergroup sponsored event but supported by the CCI may be distributed to any OA service body at the discretion of the group (or groups) hosting the event.
A monthly newsletter containing information and events pertinent to the CCI shall be published. The newsletter may contain recap reports from Board members and/or World Service Business Conference Delegate(s) (hereafter WSBC delegates) and RR (hereafter RR), articles regarding individual recovery, listing of the CCI’s trusted servants or other OA information. The newsletter content will be determined by the Newsletter Editor and/or Publications/Technology Committee.
Group Directory
A group directory listing all groups registered with the CCI shall be published as needed with updates by the Group Directory Editor.
The OADenver.org website will be updated and maintained by the Webmaster.
Other Publications
Other publications may be produced as necessary following the WSO guidelines for CCI produced literature.
Flyers prepared for CCI sponsored events or an OA group (or groups) non-CCI sponsored events supported by CCI (see V. Suggested Guidelines for OA Functions of the Central Colorado Intergroup Policy and Procedures Manual) shall require the approval of any three (3) CCI Board members (see Article IV. Intergroup Board, Section 1: Intergroup Board of the Bylaws of Central Colorado Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous for listing of Board members).
Newsletters, group directories and other CCI publications may be published and distributed in any manner deemed appropriate by the Newsletter Editor/Group Directory Editor/Webmaster. The Publications/Technology Chair may delegate the updating and production of any CCI publication to a member (or members) of the Publications/Technology Committee or OA member. The Publications/Technology Chair shall attend the monthly CCI meeting with full voice and voting privileges.
Standing committees may be formed to carry out the purposes of CCI in the most effective and efficient manner. Standing committees may include but not be limited to:
- State Convention Planning Committee
- 12th Step Within Committee
- Audit Committee
- Public Information/Professional Outreach Committee
- Publications/Technology Committee
- Budget Committee
- Bylaws/Policy Manual Committee
See the Bylaws of Central Colorado Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous, Article VII – Committees, Section 1 – 8 regarding the responsibilities and functions of standing committees.
The intergroup is committed to having representation at Region III Assemblies and the annual OA World Service Business Conference. Funding for travel to Region III Assemblies and the annual OA World Service Business Conference shall be a line item in the intergroup budget.
When fiscally appropriate, the intergroup should send their allotted number of Region Representatives to Region III Assemblies and World Service Business Conference Delegates to the annual World Service Business Conference. The intergroup may decide on the number of Region Representatives it wishes to fund. If the intergroup chooses to fund more than one (1) Region Representative and it is not feasible to send full representation to all Region III Assemblies, it is recommended that the intergroup send one (1) Region Representative to the Region III Spring and Fall Assemblies. If the intergroup chooses to send one (1) Region Representative to each of the assemblies, the following is the suggested rotation schedule:
Region Representative #1 – Spring Assembly
Region Representative #2 – Fall Assembly
It is recommended that the intergroup send their allotted number of Region Representatives per the Bylaws of Region III Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. Article V, A. The intergroup shall decide on the number of Region Representatives it wishes to fund. If the number of Region Representatives increases to more than three (3) Region Representatives, the rotation schedule will need to be revised by the CCI board and Region Representatives.
It is recommended that the intergroup send their allotted number of World Service Business Conference Delegates per Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. Bylaws Subpart B, Article X, Section 3, c) 2). The intergroup shall decide on the number of WSBC delegates it wishes to fund.
If a WSBC delegate/RR is unable to attend the annual OA World Service Business Conference or their scheduled Region III Assembly, the WSBC delegate/RR shall contact the CCI Board and the other WSBC delegate(s)/RR(s). These individuals will decide on the appropriate actions to be taken. The suggested rotation schedule for Region III Assemblies would not be altered unless discussed and agreed to by the intergroup board and the WSBC delegate(s)/RR(s).
CCI shall pay and/or reimburse the WSBC delegates and RR for the following expenses, Exceptions will be considered by the CCI on an as needed basis:
Registration Fees/Banquet Fees
CCI shall pay for the registration fee and banquet fees (if applicable) for the WSBC delegates.
CCI will pay for the Region III Assembly/Convention fee and Saturday evening banquet for RR. The Saturday evening banquet fee will not be used in the calculation for meals for that day.
Hotel Room
CCI will pay/reimburse two nights lodging for Region III Assembly/Conventions. CCI will pay/reimburse for five nights lodging (usually Tuesday – Saturday) for the World Service Business Conference (hereafter WSBC). The cost of a hotel room for WSBC and Region III Assemblies is not to exceed one-half (1/2) of a shared room cost plus applicable taxes.
Region III Assembly/Conventions are usually Friday to Sunday and the RR can arrive early on Friday to attend the region workshops prior to the start of the Assembly/Convention.
WSBC delegates are to be on a committee and the committees begin their work on Wednesday morning as part of WSBC, a Tuesday evening stay would be most imperative.
The WSBC delegates and RR shall receive a $50/day meal allowance. Receipts are required for reimbursement.
Air Travel
Airline tickets are to be purchased as reasonably as possible. Other reimbursable expenses are, but not limited to flight insurance, round-trip mileage from the WSBC delegate/RR’s home to the airport at the mileage allowance determined by the Intergroup; economy parking at the airport for the duration of the conference or assembly; and round-trip shuttle fees from the airport to the site of the conference/assembly (if applicable). The Intergroup may choose, at its discretion, to set a travel cap for air travel.
Automobile Travel
If the WSBC Delegate or RR chooses to drive their personal automobile to the annual WSBC or a Region III Assembly, the individual will be reimbursed at the mileage allowance determined by the Intergroup. Automobile travel reimbursement shall not exceed the cost of reasonable round trip airfare purchased 30 days prior to the event. Tolls and parking fees will be reimbursed; receipts for tolls and parking are required for reimbursement. The Intergroup may choose, at its discretion, to set a travel cap for individual automobile travel.
Automobile Rental
If the WSBC delegate or RR chooses to rent an automobile to drive to the annual WSBC/ Region III Assembly, the individual will be reimbursed for the car rental and gasoline expenses up to the amount if the individual had driven their own automobile and reimbursed at the mileage allowance determined by the Intergroup. Automobile rental reimbursement shall not exceed the cost of reasonable round trip airfare purchased 30 days prior to the event. Tolls and parking fees will be reimbursed; receipts for tolls and parking are required for reimbursement. The Intergroup may choose, at its discretion, to set a travel cap for automobile rental and gasoline expense. The Intergroup shall not pay for any insurance costs for automobile rental.
Automobile Travel Reimbursement
The Intergroup had determined the automobile reimbursement rate as follows: The average of the amount currently allowed by the IRS for charitable deductions and the amount currently allowed by the IRS for business deductions. In 2016, the amount is calculated as follows:
Charitable deductible rate = $0.14/mile
Business deductible rate = $0.54/mile
$0.14/mile + $0.54/mile = $0.68/mile
$0.68/mile /2 = $0.34/mile.
Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall be from October 1 to September 30.
Budget Process
The outgoing (if applicable) CCI Treasurer and up to three OA members will comprise the Ad Hoc Budget Committee. The proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year will be presented and approved at the September Intergroup meeting. The budget may be reviewed and updated at any time during the fiscal year.
Annual Audit
The Ad Hoc Audit committee will be comprised of one CCI board member (excluding the Chair and current/outgoing Treasurer and up to three OA members. The annual audit will be conducted during the month of October. The audit report will be presented at the November Intergroup Meeting.
Expense Reimbursement
Receipts are required to be reimbursed for expenses incurred on behalf of the Intergroup. A list of such expenses include, but are not limited to: copying costs for Intergroup minutes, flyers for events, committee reports, board reports and/or WSBC delegate/RR reports; long-distance telephone calls made on behalf of the Intergroup for contacting speakers/leaders/facilitators for Intergroup sponsored events; supplies for Intergroup sponsored events; room and/or hall rental space for Intergroup sponsored events; meals for speakers/leaders/facilitators and planning committee members serving as hosts for speakers/leaders/facilitators and mileage allowance for planning committee members at an amount determined by the Intergroup for Intergroup sponsored events. The Intergroup may choose, at its discretion, to set a cap on any expense.
CCI Debit Card SOP
The CCI Treasurer shall be the physical holder of the CCI Debit card and responsible for its security. The CCI Debit Card is only to be used for legitimate CCI business purposes (see section on Expense Reimbursement above for specific examples). For auditing purposes, any payment in the amount of $500 or more shall require prior approval of two non-check signing CCI board members. Approval by email is an acceptable form of approval and the emails are to be printed out and attached to the invoice/payment receipt.
Prudent Reserve
If possible, the prudent reserved for the Intergroup shall be equal to six months budgeted expenses.
To be elected a Board member or WSBC delegate/RR the nominee must receive a majority of the votes cast by written ballot. The Chair shall appoint an Ad Hoc Teller Committee consisting of a Chair and at least one other Intergroup Representative who is not a candidate for any of the offices being filled.
Ballots will be collected after each election by the Ad Hoc Teller Committee Chair. The ballots will be destroyed by the Ad Hoc Teller Committee Chair in a manner deemed appropriate.
CCI believes in maintaining consistency and stability of its digital assets, and in order to achieve this goal, certain processes should be followed each year when new Board members are elected and digital assets appropriate to their position are passed from one person to another.
Definition of Digital assets
- Email addresses for CCI Board members, WSBC delegates/RR and committee chairs on oadenver.org.
- Debit card for transfer for Treasurer.
- org website documents.
- Access to email accounts, website, any applicable financial funds transfer sites.
Ownership of digital assets and responsibilities
- Chair:
- Monthly CCI Agenda.
- Chair monthly report formatting.
- Distributes agenda, minutes and other associated CCI business items to Board, Region reps, committee chairs and IG reps via email prior to each monthly meeting.
- Ensures access to Eventbrite/PayPal is transferred to new chair.
- At completion of service, outgoing chair notifies webmaster or Pub/Tech committee chair to remove associated email with ch***@oa******.org no more than 7 days from the CCI Annual meeting.
- At the beginning of service, incoming chair notifies webmaster or Pub/Tech committee chair to assign new email to ch***@oa******.org no more than 7 days from the CCI Annual meeting.
- Upon transfer of service, assures soft copies of agenda and email distribution list are provided to new Chair via email.
- Transfer shall take place no more than 7 days from the CCI Annual meeting.
- Recording Secretary
- Assures Draft and Final CCI monthly meeting minutes are sent to webmaster or Pub/Tech committee chair and posted to oadenver.org website.
- Maintains soft copies of and administers updates to CCI Bylaws and Policy and Procedures manual and assures posting to oadenver.org website.
- Upon transfer of service, assures soft copies of current month Draft minutes, Bylaws and Policy and Procedure manual are provided to new Recording Secretary via email.
- At completion of service, outgoing secretary notifies webmaster or Pub/Tech committee chair to remove associated email with se*******@oa******.org no more than 7 days from the CCI Annual meeting.
- At the beginning of service, incoming secretary notifies webmaster or Pub/Tech committee chair to assign new email to se*******@oa******.org no more than 7 days from the CCI Annual meeting.
- Transfer shall take place no more than 7 days from the CCI Annual meeting.
- Treasurer
- Prepares signatory documents for transfer to new Treasurer, to include signatures of new Board members (Chair, Vice Chair and Recording Secretary)
- Confirms transfer of CCI Debit card to new Treasurer AT the CCI Annual meeting or immediately upon
- Upon transfer of service, assures soft copies of previous fiscal year and next fiscal year budget are provided to new Treasurer via email.
- At completion of service, outgoing treasurer notifies webmaster or Pub/Tech committee chair to remove associated email with tr*******@oa******.org no more than 7 days from the CCI Annual meeting.
- At the beginning of service, incoming treasurer notifies webmaster or Pub/Tech committee chair to assign new email to tr*******@oa******.org no more than 7 days from the CCI Annual meeting.
- Transfer shall take place no more than 7 days from the CCI Annual meeting.
- WSBC delegates/RR
- At completion of service, outgoing WSBC delegate/RR notifies webmaster or Pub/Tech committee chair to remove associated email with R3****@oa******.org or R3****@oa******.orgno more than 7 days from the July meeting.
- At the beginning of service, incoming WSBC delegate/RR notifies webmaster or Pub/Tech committee chair to assign new email to R3****@oa******.org or R3****@oa******.org no more than 7 days from the July meeting.
- Transfer shall take place no more than 7 days from the July meeting.
- Committee chairs
- At completion of service, outgoing committee chair notifies webmaster or Pub/Tech committee chair to remove associated email with ts*@oa******.org, pu******@oa******.org, pi**@oa******.org, no more than 7 days from the CCI Annual meeting, or date of service rotation, whichever applies.
- At the beginning of service, incoming chair notifies webmaster or Pub/Tech committee chair to assign new email to ts*@oa******.org, pu******@oa******.org, pi**@oa******.org, no more than 7 days from the CCI Annual meeting or date of service rotation, whichever applies.
- Upon transfer of service, assures soft copies of agenda and email distribution list are provided to new Chair via email.
- Transfer shall take place no more than 7 days from the CCI Annual meeting, or date of service rotation, whichever applies.
The Policy and Procedures Manual may be revised at any time by a member of the Intergroup as defined in CCI Bylaws Article III – Intergroup Membership, Section 1. – Membership, A-D. It is suggested to have the proposed revision(s) in writing and have sufficient copies of the proposed revision(s) available for those attending the monthly intergroup meeting. The proposed revision(s) must be approved by a majority of the votes cast by those authorized to vote according to CCI Bylaws and CCI Policy and Procedures Manual (see CCI Bylaws Article III – Intergroup Membership, Section 2: Qualifications for Membership in the Intergroup, C; CCI XII. Bylaws Article IV – The Intergroup Board, Section 5: Term of Office, D.; CCI Bylaws Article VII – Committees, Section 2: Committee Appointments and CCI Policy and Procedures Manual, Section V – Intergroup Newsletter). The revision(s) will take effect at the close of the meeting when approved and an updated copy of the Policy and Procedures Manual will be made available on the oadenver.org website two weeks (14 days) after the revision(s) have been approved. Copies of the Policy and Procedures Manual will be available at the monthly Intergroup meeting for those not having internet access. The CCI Recording Secretary will have a hard copy of the Policy and Procedures manual at each Intergroup meeting.
Appendix 1
Newcomer Packet Outreach Form
The Intergroup Policy & Procedures Manual states in IV. Newcomer Packet Outreach
“Any group that lacks sufficient Seventh Tradition funds to purchase newcomer packets may send their elected Intergroup Representative to a regularly scheduled meeting of the CCI to pick up a small supply of newcomer packets to help carry the message.
Intergroup representatives may sign for and obtain five (5) packets at three (3) month intervals up to a maximum lifetime limit of fifteen (15) packets per group.”
Group ___________________________
Date received packets 1 – 5 __________________________________
_______________________________ __________________________
Intergroup Representative Board Representative
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Date received packets 6 – 10 _________________________________
_____________________________ _________________________
Intergroup Representative Board Representative
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Date received packets 11 – 15 ________________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________
Intergroup Representative Board Representative