What is an OA Intergroup?

When several meetings form in an area, they soon realize that they can better carry the OA message together rather than separately. So the meetings may form an intergroup that is directly responsible to the meetings it serves.

Our Intergroup is the Houston Metro Intergroup (HMI) and consists of the greater Houston metropolitan area. Intergroups make up Regions and then the Regions (10 in all worldwide) combine to make up the OA World Service.

HMI is part of Region 3 of Overeaters Anonymous. Region 3 comprises the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Utah, California, Colorado, Arizona, and Nevada. (See more information under the Region 3 link)

HMI meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month and anyone can attend. The usual makeup of the monthly Intergroup meeting consists of Intergroup Representatives (IR) from each OA meetings in the area when possible, committee chairs, and the Intergroup Officers: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Region and WSO delegates, and other relevant positions.

Join your Houston Metro Intergroup Representatives on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 9:45AM at the Oasis Club, located at 5645 Hillcroft, Suite 102, Houston, TX 77036. These meetings are now offered by conference call as well. Contact your home meeting IG (Intergroup Representative) for that information.

Typical services provided by an intergroup are:

  • Maintain a local website: oahouston.org
  • Provide a central telephone number for information about OA locally or in general, and respond to inquiries: 713-973-6633.
  • Maintain and distribute a current meeting list (also found HERE on the website)
  • Assist in sponsoring local OA conventions
  • Appoint and support committees such as PIPO (Public Information Professional Outreach) and TSW (Twelfth Step Within)
  • Sponsor and arrange workshops or other special events to carry the message of OA to new members as well as to all those still suffering from the disease of OA
  • Maintain a supply of OA approved literature
  • Send representatives to regional assemblies and the World Service Business Conference

Current HMI Officers and Committee Chairs:

Chair:  Nancy B

Vice Chair:  Lindsey W

Secretary:  Beth M (also serving as contact for WTP Committee until there is a chair)

Historian:  Laura S

IG Rep Chair:  Sue H

Hope Line Rep:  Rebecca B

Treasurer: Helen D

Literature Chair:  Marilyn M