From the HMI Chair

Happy Holidays OA Houston!

This is my last newsletter message as HMI Chair. It’s been a pleasure serving the OA Houston community these past two years. Congratulations to the newly elected HMI Chair, Beth M and new HMI Secretary, Eleanor S. I wish them well on their exciting new journey with HMI in 2021!

The community has really outdone themselves with creativity, ingenuity, perseverance and flexibility. Not only did the Houston fellowship NOT fade away and isolate these past nine months, rather we moved forward with courage, imperfect action and reliance on a spiritual power greater than ourselves.

I have learned so much about myself, fears and insecurities, as well as strengths and growth opportunities. One of my most used OA sayings is, “more will be revealed.” And it has been a year of MORE!

Thank you for letting me be a part of your recovery. I’ll keep coming back!

Yours in service,
Sue H. – HMI Chair (until Dec 31, 2020)