New Beginnings

Recently we have found ourselves struggling with my teen daughter’s memory and ADD issues. She has trouble remembering events as recent as five days ago. Okay, okay that doesn’t sound horrid, I am in my fifties and I certainly have trouble remembering things five days ago! The thing is, five days ago she celebrated her 17th birthday; who forgets their birthday activities in less than a week?

Needless to say, I was a bit worried and started asking questions. “Can you remember when we went to Polar Express? San Antonio Zoo? Mo Ranch?”
Each question getting a staccato punch of “No. No. No.”
Then, here was the doozy question, “What can you remember?”
Time almost stopped.
In that moment, my daughter became a mirror reflecting me listing my grievances in life, both real and imagined, from decades ago. To be sure, my husband and I have made mistakes as parents —- every parent has —- but to hear ugly moments superseding beautiful hours gave me pause.
Part of my illness in compulsive overeating is rooted in this focusing on the negative moments instead of the beautiful hours. To be sure, the negative moments were soul-wrenching and even criminal but I am ready to transcend to the beautiful hours.
So begins our new journey, gratitude journal in hand — daily finding at least three things to be grateful for, standing in front of the mirror and saying affirmations, moving from the darkness to the light. Already I feel this positivity rewiring my brain and impacting my heart and soul.
It is never too late for new beginnings. Won’t you join us in this new beginning?
June C.