From the HMI Chair

Hello everyone! So, it is already June 2020 and Houston OA has been busy with innovative ways to carry the OA message of recovery in our area.  Congratulations and hoorays go out to everyone who assisted in moving existing meetings into some kind of virtual format.  And a great big THANK YOU to our webmaster, Deb C., who worked tirelessly uploading constant changes to our website.

Personally, I have to tell you that the last two full weeks of March were exhausting for me.  I was working from home and in discussions with our Intergroup and Oasis Club board on what we can do to provide recovery virtually.  Whew – I just wanted to turn off my computer at the end of the day and hop into bed!  Just as routine in my OA recovery is important in maintaining my abstinence and sanity, so too is a work routine.  After two weeks, working from home seemed very natural; it just took one day at a time! 

OA Houston has fallen into its own rhythm of virtual meetings, practicing humility, and remaining teachable in learning how to navigate the virtual world of accessing meetings, hosting, sharing, raising hands, muting and unmuting, to name a few.

I applaud all our efforts, patience, willingness, and acceptance.  WE could not have done this alone. WE will continue, as a community, to carry the message and reach out to newcomers and anyone who may be suffering with this disease.  OA Houston is alive and well!

Yours in service,

Sue H.

HMI Chair